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Conventionally attractive actors: 59 Photos

The 16 Hottest Male Celebrities Categorized by Type - Popdust

Hottest Male Celebrities of All Time! (by voting)

most attractive famous men 2021 most handsome men in the world hot celebrity men Hollywoods hottest men most attractive...

Views: 42047
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most handsome actors
  • Michael Fassbender. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Viggo Mortensen. Actor. Producer. ...
  • James Norton. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Mads Mikkelsen. Actor. Additional Crew. ...
  • Brandon Routh. Actor. Producer Superman Returns (2006) ...
  • Richard Armitage. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Tom Hiddleston. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Marlon Brando. Actor. Director.
  1. 1 Morgan Freeman85%
  2. Samuel L. Jackson81%
  3. 3 Denzel Washington80%
  4. 4 Harrison Ford78%
  5. 5 Keanu Reeves77%
  6. Robert Downey Jr. 77%
  7. 7 Anthony Hopkins75%
  8. 8 Bruce Willis75%
Of course, some shows are looking for physically attractive people, but working actors in general come in all shapes and sizes, a washboard stomach is not a required for all roles. It won't hurt for you to be fit and healthy, and have a strong body.
All Actor and Actress have their personal squad of Trainers, Stylist, Makeup artist, Nutritionist who advise and make them look good all the time. The always live under a very strict supervision of strict diet and exercise. The amount of makeup that is used to make them look good is uncountable.
According to research, Robert Pattinson is officially the most attractive man on the planet. Measuring the Golden Ratio, Robert Pattinson scored an incredible 92.15 percent, beating out all other celebrities like Henry Cavill, Brad Pitt and Bradley Cooper, , who all scored above 90%.