21 jump street cast tv show: 60 Photos
21 Jump Street (1987) photo images
21 Jump Street (1987) Cast: Now and Then [36 Years After]
The original 21 Jump Street TV series: Going pictures
21 Jump Street TV Series Cast (1987-1991) ★ Then and Now|How They Changed [36 Years Later]
Johnny Depp and Holly Robinson Peete (21 Jump Street couple moments)
The Cast of 21 Jumpstreet Drug Help Message
Johnny depp on why he left 21 jump street t.v show - Interview from 1989
21 Jump Street Cast: Where Are They Now? images
21 Jump Street is a American action comedy film and a re-invention of the original 21 Jump Street tv series. The film is produced by Sony and directed by Mike Mitchell and screenplay by Phil Lord & Christopher Milller.
Depp was eventually allowed to leave the production after 21 Jump Street season 4, following a meeting with director Tim Burton, who granted him the opportunity to branch off into the more complex character roles he had been craving.
Depp makes a surprise cameo in the 2012 action comedy based on his original television series, starring as a DEA agent who was once a part of the 21 Jump Street division.
At that time, a 23 years old Johnny Depp was filming the “21 Jump Street” series, and was being called to be photographed in order to promote the series, feature in dozens of teen magazines. One of these photos also became posters and covers of VHS.
“I was in a really bad place personally,” he said. “I was very depressed, so it just kind of magnified that it was kind of a dead end for me as an actor in terms of what I aspired to do. And I quit, I literally just quit for a while.”